July 29th, the Sun Finally Broke Through

The evening of July 28th and the morning of July 29th were forecast to be clear. A rarity with the 2020 incessant rains. I decided to hike in after work and spend the night so I could hunt at first light. I was not disappointed. It is so much more than just shooting a deer given the opportunity. The country is just stunning. I hiked in the couple miles and set up my tent. I glassed until dark. I saw nothing but sandhill cranes and Canadian geese. The deer must be coming out after dark and they will be returning to their beds early. At 4:13 am a cacophony of Sandhill cranes woke me but that is not a bad wake up call. I climbed from my bed, dressed, and grabbed a bar for breakfast. It was less that 100 yards to where I would begin glassing. I still hunted through the sub alpine. As a result of the rains this year the vegetation was lush. Deer sign was everywhere. I could not find any deer for the first 20 minutes. I crossed a small draw and began working towards the low ridge that divided the basin. I had a favorite glassing spot I wanted to sit at for a while. Suddenly on top of the ridge in the early morning suns rays was a beautiful 3 point. It was 85 yards out. I needed a rest for that long of a shot. He continued down the ridge and I eased up to a short hemlock that provided a rest. When he stepped clear of some brush, I ranged him at 83 yards. I grunted and he stopped. The round ball was on its way. I saw him tumble over the ridge as he went out of sight. It was 5:30 am. I reloaded and walked to where he laid. I’d be coming out heavy. He died next to a small lake. I boned him and put him in my pack. I went back and added camp to the load. It was a clear sunny day, one of the few we would have this summer. The load felt good on the way back to where I had left the quad runner. I’d be home for lunch. We are so fortunate to have the public lands called the Tongass National Forest. God I love this place and these deer….

July 24, 2020, It begins...

The weather for the subsistence opening of deer hunting on Prince of Wales Island, July 24th was forecast to be less rainy than the previous days. That was a day to not be wasted in 2020. There is a ridge that reaches just above 2200 feet in elevation I love to hunt somewhat close to the house. For over 10 years I have spent most opening days there. Generally, several bucks can be spotted early in the morning. In 2018 that all changed. On July 24th, 2018 and 2019 I never saw a single deer on the ridge nor on the surrounding ridges after extensive hunting and glassing. I visited this ridge it several times trying to figure out what happened. It is quite possible that the higher elevation vegetation was sun burned with the hot, dry summers of those years. It is possible that the deer were lower in the forest. The deer generally only move down after the first heavy freeze. With all the rain of 2020, the vegetation was lush and the deer were back on top. I left the house at 3:30. I got to where my route begins at 4:30 and began my climb up. Topping out on the first ridge I immediately found several doe feeding. I had traveled less than ¼ mile down the ridge when a fine buck bolted from below me stopping at about 60 yards. He thought that he was concealed behind the mountain hemlock. I rested off one knee, bent forward, and found his sweet spot exposed between the branches. At 5:15 in morning a roundball from the Hawken found its mark. He ran just a few yards and crashed. My pack would be short and I would be home before lunch. I am so blessed to be able to the hunt public lands on the Tongass National Forest and these deer.

Characterizing the 2019 Rut and Deer Movement Patterns from One Valley on Prince of Wales Island

I have been terrible about posting during the COVID-19 year of 2020 and with all the torrential rain and wind we have been experiencing in Southeast Alaska this year.  No excuses really.  Today I plan to catch up.  One thing I wanted to share are the graphs showing deer movement during the 2019 year.  The concept came from previous, similar graphs by Joe Piston, https://joestrailcams.com/. Trail cameras can be frustrating if you think you will catch that buck crossing point “A”.  If you use them to teach you about deer movements throughout the year, they can be most instructional.  These graphs clearly show that during the period between about October 28th to November 16th, deer movement, especially buck movement was at its highest. The most buck movement was November 5th through November 15th. This latter period also corresponds to the most frequent, mature buck movement during daylight hours.

Trail cameras also clearly show mature bucks coming down from their bedding areas in the upper slopes just after dark and returning to their bedding areas just before daylight.  It appears that mature bucks come to doe concentrations and cruse all night looking for receptive doe.  I have images of the same mature buck on multiple cameras over 1000 feet of the valley during the night. They spend the day at least 300-500 foot in elevation higher in their beds in the big timber. Knowing this has changed my hunting strategy. Until the first doe goes into estrus, smaller bucks hang with them cruising about and the mature bucks visit at night.  Mature bucks only stay into the daylight hours when the first hot doe is detected.  If you really want the big mature bucks one needs to get close to their bedding areas and carefully call, remaining for up to an hour.  In my experience they bed where they can survey the slopes below. One strategy is getting above them and still hunting down to where you think they might be bedded. Its rewarding when it works.  I will be plotting the 2020 trail camera data soon for comparison.  Good luck.

Finally the rains stopped...

I am catching up a bit today. November 20th, after a week of rain, was a perfect Southeastern Alaskan day to take the Hawken afield. As I hiked in the dark, Orion, the hunter shown over my shoulder. The half moon was so bright my moon shadow accompanied me. I sat in the early morning hours and watched the rising sun chase off the night. First the varied thrushes signaled the dawn, then the ravens. As soon as I could see to enter the forest I navigated to "the spot". I sat and waited for the light to increase so I could see my open sights. I put my Drop Shot call to work. I threw in a Primos Can call or two then a grunt. Suddenly, without sound my old ears could hear a doe stood 15 yards distant. She snapped a glance over her shoulder. My grip on the Hawken tightened. I could see for 30-40 yards behind her, nothing moved. She calmed and began to feed, still snapping a glance over her shoulder from time to time. A fawn finally joined her side. They stayed with me for nearly 30 minutes. In the cool frosty morning I could see their breath. They eventually drifted from sight. I moved through the old growth to the next muskeg. I sat again and let the forest settle surrounding me. The suns rays warmed me. The evaporating moisture from the vegetation brought the forest smells into the air. I sat, called and waited, never waiting long enough. After a bit I rose and took several steps, there was a young buck coming through the trees. He stopped, wondering what I was, it was too late, smoke filled the air. The pack would be heavier on the trip out. Thankful for the meat.

November 26th...I saw him today!

What a wonderful day...I saw him today! For two weeks I have been trying to figure him out. He disappeared from one set of cameras and showed up on another. I found him on multiple cameras today...In the daylight. He had been circling, chasing does, his tracks told the story. Finally I crossed REALLY fresh tracks. I could smell him. I followed him into the oldgrowth. I let the woods quiet around me. I began to call, quietly. During the third calling set, I saw antlers floating though the timber, his body finally appeared. He bounced in my direction. My God it was going to happen. I took aim down the shooting lane, it would be about a 60 yard shot. Just shy of the open lane he stopped. He spun his head back and forth, I could just see the antler tips. He would look at me and then back to his doe on the stream bank some 100 yards distant. I gently called. He stared in my direction. Then he spun and returned to his doe, protected by the terrain and fallen logs. He paused behind a downed log looking one last time in my direction, I could see half of his head. I caught glimpses of them and his antlers as he perused her through the ancient forest. All fell quiet, just the stream and a distant raven. Darn! It had been so close. I was elated though. I had saw him. The probability of trying to figure out one of the Sitka bucks and finding him is slim. I will be back...this game of cat an mouse will continue.

An Amazing Nocturnal Buck Comes to Light

Here Jim Baichtal and Sophie Gilbert share our joint experiences on a very special hunt that we did together on Prince of Wales Island, in the Tongass National Forest this November (2019). First comes Jim’s recollections, followed by Sophie’s.

Jim’s Perspective:

In 2016 I revisited one of the many collections of annually rubbed trees I discovered 20 years ago but had not visited since. I have learned that such places are the sign posts for all the bucks in an area, a communal rubbing spot. The trees were now much larger but an obviously great buck had been rubbing on them. I revisited that site in 2017 and found one of his shed antlers some 70 yards away and more rubs. I hunted hard for this buck but never had the pleasure of an encounter.

In 2018, armed with trail cameras, I set out to get an image of the buck. I might not see him in the flesh but I hoped to get an image of him at least. Though several nice bucks visited the site, no huge, wide monarch appeared. November 9th I changed my exit route from the cameras and rubs by 30 yards and noticed another shed antler, no two sheds, no­– OMG here laid the buck where he had died December of 2017. The reason I never got images of him in 2018 was because he laid on the forest floor 150 yards away. He was a wonderful, wide, heavy old warrior, gross scores 101 6/8". So ends this story and a new adventure starts with his prodigy.

In 2018, I began to get trail camera images of a spectacular 4 x 4; heavy, wide, and symmetrical.  My 2018 hunting season ended with no sightings and a handful of enticing images, mostly at night.  I needed to change my approach.  In January of 2019 I hiked to the spot with fresh snow on the ground to map out the trails.  Every landscape has hundreds of game trails.  Only a handful of those trails are frequented by deer.  The fresh snow told the tail– there were only 2 main trails in the area.  I followed them for over a 1000 yards GPSing where they intersected, which would become places in the fall I would hang cameras.  I wanted to better understand the timing of the deer’s movement through the area…how they moved across the landscape, especially that big buck. 

Late in September I carefully placed cameras across the area at the predetermined places. On October 19th the big 4 x4 made his first appearance.  He had survived the winter, and was bigger than ever.  Over the next few weeks he appeared on many of the trail cameras I had placed out.  This gave me an idea of his travel routes and times.  But all of these images were in the dark, with no daylight sightings. 

Meanwhile, Sophie Gilbert and I firmed up her arrival time for a rut hunt.  Hoping to arrange a meeting between her and this big 4 x 4, I never hunted the area.  I would slip in and pull camera cards and monitor his movements.

The evening of November 11th Sophie arrived.  On November 12th, long before daylight, we hiked in several miles and sat in the dark waiting for light enough to hunt.  The anticipation was high.  Before entering the woods, encounters with three bucks on the walk in had us on pins and needles.  We careful slipped into what I had determined was his core area.  We began a calling sequence that lasted for 20 minutes.  We then did a short circuit of the local cameras, checking images, at around 8:20am. 

On the first camera, we received a good omen- some wonderful photos of a great blue heron, walking through the flooded meadow after the recent heavy rain we’d been receiving. Herons are lucky in our house, and are my wife Karen’s favorite bird. Then, on the second camera was an image of the big 4 x 4 in broad daylight at 9:29 am the previous morning.  The third camera we checked also showed daylight buck activity by our big secretive buck the previous morning, and all three cameras were within 100 yards of each other. 

We stepped away from the trail cameras, thrilled with the possibilities, and  I turned to Sophie and said we should just sit quietly for a bit, right here.  I motioned towards a good place to sit quietly, but when we got there the wind was totally wrong, so we quickly readjusted about 80 yards and rechecked the wind.  This would work.  As I planned the sit, Sophie excitedly whispered, “Jim, Buck!”.  I moved and brought up the binoculars.  I spun to Sophie and said “Someone needs to kill that buck, NOW!”  It was him, and an equally impressive buck at his side, 120 yards distant, exactly where I had expected him to enter the immediate area.  Sophie moved to a nearby large shore pine for a standing rest. He was standing facing directly at us, his lower white throat patch was the target.  That quickly it was over.  I had moved to the side to back her up, but it was not necessary.  I nearly got a chance at his huge companion, another incredible 4 x 4 buck with great mass.  I believe these bucks were still coming to our calling that had ended 25 minutes before.  How many times do we need to be taught the lesson of patience?

We moved to where the buck fell.  Sophie had never really gotten a good look at his antlers, as she was busy lining up her throat shot., and he’d fell with his back tines buried in the sphagnum.  She commented that it was a huge 2 x 2.  I asked her permission to touch the buck, which she granted.  I pulled the rack from the moss, laying my hands for the first time on an animal I had dreamed of for the past two years. It was the great 4 x 4, with antlers a beautiful bright orange from rubbing on red alder and complete with tines so long that they had a wave to them.

Huge emotions came over me. A mixture of excitement, sadness, and pride.  The excitement of what had just happened, an incredible combination of luck, hard work, and taking advantage of an opportunity presented, taps the core of every hunter. Sadness in the taking such a magnificent animal and knowing that he will no longer be showing up on the cameras. Pride in watching Sophie develop and evolve as a huntress culminating in an incredible moment.  All the hours of hiking, scouting, mapping, placing and moving cameras over two years had paid off. Truly a trophy of a lifetime. 

The buck was everything that I had imagined.  We took plenty of photos and videos, and savored the moment, the gorgeous muskeg scenery, and the incredible beauty of this mature animal.  We slowly boned out the buck, preserving his cape for mounting.  My measuring tape later revealed a nearly symmetrical rack grossing 104 Boone and Crockett inches. This animal will grace the walls of Sophie’s office for years to come, reminding us of this moment, a moment shared between friends in this incredible landscape, the public lands of the Tongass and the Sitka blacktail deer.

 Sophie’s thoughts:

I arrived in Thorne Bay worn out from a semester of teaching and research at the University of Idaho, and looking forward to taking a step back from that and re-engaging with the Tongass landscape and deer that I love, and with Jim and Karen, two of my favorite people. After weather delays on the flight in, I got lucky and hopped on as a stand-by on my flight over to Prince of Wales Island. Little did I know that my good luck was just getting started.

Jim immediately started telling me about his developing knowledge about an incredibly area of buck activity he’d zeroed in on, in part because of the quality of its habitat and the long walk required to get there. He’d been doing his homework for the past 3 years, and was keen to share the spot with me the following day. After getting each other amped up looking at his game cam photos, we went to bed with visions of 4 x 4’s dancing in our heads.

The next morning, we woke well before dawn, and started our hike with hours of darkness yet before shooting light. But Jim led us into the site with a sure step, as he’d been hiking this trail in for the last several years- he even had the best sitting logs along the way all picked out. At the last sitting log before we reached our target hunting zone for the day, we waited for enough daylight to hunt, and shared a snack (Jim is notorious for not eating while hunting, so what I really mean is that I took out my snacks and convinced him to have some, knowing that we’d be on the move from there on out and unlikely to snack again until we killed).  Just as we were about to start moving, as the deep green of the forested landscape emerged in the growing light of dawn, I looked back up the trail we’d come from­ – and there was the classic white nose and orange antlers of a buck, looking back at us! He quickly crossed our trail and moved into the trees, but he ensured one thing: that we were fully awake, no matter how long ago our coffee was. As we continued our walk in, 2 more bucks crossed in front of us, amping us up even more.

As we got into the zone that Jim had been so carefully monitoring for just this occasion, including not hunting it himself in the proceeding weeks, I could see his focus increase. As we reached the muskeg where he’d been getting photos of the incredible 4 x 4, we were both on edge, and felt as if at any moment that grizzled silver nose with burnt orange crown would show itself, telling us that a buck had arrived. All through our calling sequence, the excitement remained high. As we checked the cameras and saw the first daylight photos of the target buck for the year, you could cut the tension with a knife. As we began to settle down to wait, something told me to look behind us up the trail one more time… and there, coming through the mist rising out of the grass, was a buck.

I did my usual “there’s a buck” dance, which involved whispering excitedly to Jim, eyes wild, while making “antlers” with my fingers… I just can’t help it, it’s what happens naturally. He quickly brought up his binoculars, and I could hear the intensity in his voice as he said, “somebody’d better shoot that buck… now!”.  I knew that he was seeing something special, and that I had only a few seconds to take advantage of this opportunity, both because the animal would turn and run and because Jim, who is quite the hunting animal himself, would be making sure the buck did not get away.

Both the buck and Jim were patient as I found a rest, steadied myself, and took aim at the deer’s white throat patch. As the buck fell into the wet grass, I felt excitement, gratitude, and relief that I hadn’t let Jim down after all his hard work. As we approached the buck and saw just what a gorgeous animal he was, my feelings turned to awe. His whiskers and fur was still glistening with the moisture of the Tongass humidity, and his deep orange antlers glistened against the green and yellow of the moss and grass below him. He’d been rubbing so hard that his chocolate-brown forehead had taken on the orange gleam of the alder’s tannins, and we could smell his musky scent from yards away. Clearly this was a magnificent animal, who’d no doubt passed his genes on to the local deer population. When we checked his teeth, it was clear he was a 7+ year old animal, with molars well-worn down towards his gumline through winters of browsing blueberries, huckleberries and other woody shrubs.

 After contemplating the buck’s glory, talking over our experience, and of course cementing our memories with photographs, we moved on to carefully butchering the huge amount of meat. Walking out under the considerable weight of the buck, I thought deeply about what a team effort this buck had been. Without Jim’s patience, dedication, and years of “doing his homework” on this valley and its deer herd, there was no way I would have had the opportunity to harvest this buck of a lifetime. I know we will both treasure this memory of Jim’s and my joint experience and accomplishment forever. Year by year, my love for hunting, the Tongass, and Sitka blacktails only grows, as does my respect for and friendship with Jim.

The 2019 Rut is cranking up.

I have not posted for a while, work and life sometimes gets in the way. I also had to take time and deal with a diagnosis of prostrate cancer. That is all be hind me now and I’m back at it.

The forecast for November 10th, 2019 was sunny with about 50% cloud cover. Perfect day for taking the Hawken out in pursuit of Sitka Blacktail. The sun never shown, it misted and rained most the day. Believing the forecast, I took the Hawken to the field in a wool bag. The place I wanted to be was 5 miles in so I hiked the first couple of miles in the dark. Nothing much was afoot in the early morning hours. At about 0730, just as it was becoming light enough for open sights a buck entered the trail in front of me, nose to the ground, moving away fast. He never saw me. I could see he was mature, his body and rack suggested that. I pulled the wool cover from the Hawken, knelt, mouth grunted him to a stop as I ranged him at 70 yards. He spun to meet the challenger. I aimed for the sweet spot and fired. With the moist air he all but disappeared in the smoke. He ran out of site over a small rise. I stood and reloaded. I put my pack back on and moved to where I last saw him. NO hair, No blood. Damn, the shot felt good. I could see his tracks for a ways. I looked for 45 minutes but had nothing to go on. Hell, I must have missed. I always start second guessing the shot, did I rush, did I not hold center…I beat myself up as I moved further along the trail. I set up where I had many bucks on trail camera, I sat for over an hour. From photos I knew that several nice bucks used these crossings in the early morning hours. At about 10:00 I decided to move closer to where I suspected the bucks may be bedded. I used the Primos Long CAN®. I would make 3-4 calls every 4-5 minutes. A bout 20 minutes after I started, I saw a portion of an orange antler moving through the brush at about 80 yards. For the next few moments I caught glimpses of movement. Finally, 32 yards away through a slim opening in a mountain hemlock I saw a face, a nose and a double white throat patch. Finally, I could see where the neck enters the shoulder. Aim small, miss small. I held tight on the spot and fired through the opening. The moist air filled with smoke obstructing my view. The buck was gone. I reloaded and advanced to find him piled up in a small stream...One of the many fine bucks I had on the camera some 60 yards distant. A great, mature Sitka....trying to be a 5 x 5...Hunting and calling rutting Sitka Blacktail is just the best. I paid my respects and slowly boned him out. Packed him up and headed the 5 miles back to the truck. That was until I got to where I had shot at the buck and missed in the early morning. As I hiked out with the 5 x 5 in my pack, an immature bald eagle rose with a raven, 40 yards beyond where I lost all sign of the buck in the morning. I dropped my pack and moved to where the birds had flushed from. There in the pre-commercially thinned slash, behind a log, down in a creek was the buck from the morning, a .58 caliber hole through the boiler room. The birds had not eaten much, I had disturbed their recently discovered feast. A heavy 2 x 3 with eye guards. I boned out the deer and added it to my already heavy load. I had this buck on camera too...My back is sore but I had a great day hunting Sitka Blacktail with my Hawken. Lord I love this place and the deer...

The Sitka Chasing Game

October 30th, 2004. Aaron and I got up in the dark, it was pouring rain. We contemplated going back to bed. We both knew it was the chasing phase of the rut and we had a couple days off. What the heck. Tough day for keeping your powder dry however. We drove towards our destination seeing a couple of younger bucks chasing doe in the head lights. We parked where we intended to begin our walk and drank coffee as the morning’s light began to define the landscape. The rain lessened and slush began to fall, the slush turned to hail. We looked at each other and laughed. He had just acquired his father’s .308…this would be his first outing with it. We exited the truck during a lull in the precipitation. I loaded my Hawken and placed it in my heavy wool cover. We dawned our packs and slipped into familiar territory. We worked down deer trails through a couple muskegs and a bit of forest before entering the first of many large muskeg systems. It was light enough to see open sights now. The first call sequence caught the attention of two doe who came in fast from different directions. They found themselves unnaturally close, their ears laid back, they groaned, and then reared up pawing at each other. One ran off and the other walked slowly away. A second calling sequence brought her back. We moved on calling as we went. We crossed through another veil of timber and sat at the muskegs edge. 300 yards distant 4 does were running back and forth. I hit the call once and two of the does ran the distance to us. We waited a long time thinking something must have been pushing them. We moved close to where we had seen all the deer and sat against a tree on the edge of the muskeg. I let things quiet down. It was raining lightly now. Aaron watched to the east. I hit the call. Four does appeared in front of us. They were dancing about out front, one particularly close looking for the fawn. Arron grabbed my arm and looked eastward. A smaller three-point shout thorough an opening. I jumped up and took the wool cover from my Hawken. I walked forward through two of the does. Fifty yards distant among the larger shore pines, through a six-inch gap, I could see a gray shape, an antler base, an ear, and where a buck’s neck entered the chest. I tried to kneel and make the shot but I could not see the sweet spot at that angle. I stood and focused, telling myself you do this at the range all the time, make the shot! I took careful aim and fired. The air’s moisture formed a huge smoke cloud which sat motionless in front of me. I rolled left and the target was gone. Aaron came to my side. I slowly reloaded. One of the does were still only 20 yards away. The others had scattered. Arron asked if I got it. I had no idea. He had just vanished. The doe to our left slowly walked to where I had shot as I reloaded. She got to the spot where the buck had stood and looked at the ground, slowly she smelled something on the ground just out of site. Her ears laid back and she spun and ran into the woods. I looked at Aaron and smiled. Now reloaded, we walked towards where I had shot. The sun came out. As we got closer, I could see a buck laying at the base of the shore pine. I only could see a little of its rack. I rounded the last tree to see a beautiful, huge buck lying on the wet mosses. I had no idea of its size when I shot. I looked at Arron, we both could not believe its size. Both the body and rack were huge. It had two cool non-typical points on the inside of the beams. A fantastic buck. A pleasant surprise. The sun stayed out for the photo session. Then the sleet and Hail returned, luckily mixed with rain. We had no idea what happened to the smaller three point. Aaron continued his hunt while I boned out the buck. After I finished packaging up the buck, I explored the area and found where he had rubbed on a large cedar that morning. It was lucky him that was pushing the does about across the muskeg when we first entered the opening. We met back at the truck later in the afternoon. Sadly, Aaron had not found another buck. I on the other hand could not stop smiling. A great experience with a close friend. The buck grossed 108 0/8, netting 100 7/8 placing it well into the Longhunter records and the Awards in Boone and Crockett. God, I love these deer…

A flintlock’s first buck…

November 11th has historically been my best hunting day. I have taken more bucks on that day than any other. November 11th, 2014 was foretasted to be cold, in the 20’s, clear and sunny…perfect flintlock weather. I had identified a likely looking “hot spot” on Google Earth and had checked it out on November 4th. I had found heavy deer usage and several huge rubs on shore pine. I waited to the 11th to try an extended calling sequence. I left the house at 4:30 to begin the hike at first light. It was about ¾ mile from the road to where I wanted to call. I set up to call by 7:30 am. I combined doe bleats and doe estrus bleats from the Primos “Long CAN®” with grunts, snort wheezes, and rattling for about 20 minutes, light calls for about 20 minutes, and sat motionless for another 20 minutes. Beautiful sunny morning, nothing showed but a couple of ravens, a winter wren, and a jay. I decided after the hour to move to the forest above the muskeg and see if I went into the bedding habitat if I could stir anything up. I put away my calls, slipped on my pack and gloves and picked up the rifle. I took a couple of steps up the slope from behind my cover and looked up. There, just over 100 yards distant coming down the timber edge was a huge 4 x 4, a Sitka dreams are made of. He turned sideways, a bit farther than I wanted to shoot. I was caught in the open and he knew I was there. He was in the full sunshine, his brilliant red antlers gleaming. He was huge, his double white throat patch contrasted with his rich brown coat, his roman gray nose suggested his maturity. He was not as fat as he would have been in September but his body was on the upper end of Sitka’s. Steam rose from his body and each breath was visible from his nose. He turned and slowly walked away. He stopped many times looking over his shoulder at me. He disappeared into the timber. I dropped the pack, primed the pan, and rested on a shore pine. I used the “CAN®” to call him back out of the timber twice. He eventually, slowly walked into the upper muskeg bowl and disappeared from site. I worked my way up to the saddle, standing at the edge of a roughly oval muskeg basin surrounded by timber. I could see his tracks in the morning's frost. I hit the “CAN®” call once more. He stepped out at about 50 yards directly across from me. He rose is nose to catch my scent, then scratched his butt with his antlers. I dropped to one knee to fire but the curvature of the muskeg would not allowed it. I stood and took careful aim. His sweet spot was behind a bit of blue berry/cedar barrier. I would have to slip a round ball just at the upper edge of the brush. I mentally prepared for the follow through, took careful aim, and fired. When the smoke cleared I was alone in the muskeg. I returned for my pack and to reload. I walked to where he last stood. His tracks were in the heavy frost. A tuft of hair rested on the frozen muskeg. There was no blood, no indication of being hit other than the hair. No meat was attached to the hair. I followed his tracks in the frost to where he ducked to enter the forest. There was a few more hairs on the end of a stick he broke off. I spent the next three hours retracing his tracks, looking for blood, looking for anything. He last movement suggested he had bolted down hill into the cedars. There were a multitude of heavily used game trails so I began to follow each one out carefully. Nothing. The site picture was perfect when I shot. I convinced myself I must have pulled high, grazing his back. I cut a tag. I had touched this buck. I owed him that much. With nothing more to go on, I hunted a huge muskeg complex to the north calling in a few doe. Mid-way through my trek while still sitting after a calling sequence I ranged a large snag at 70 yards, there was a 2” knot on the tree trunk. I aimed at the knot and hit it center. If the jerk behind the trigger did not screwed up I should have hit that deer center. I ended up about a mile distant still reliving the shot in my mind. Though later in the day, I returned to where I had shot hoping to find something else I had missed or birds. Nothing…two more hours of searching. I heard birds in the muskeg way down off the ridge. Though it would mean I would have to come out in the dark I went to investigate. It was a flock of ravens on cranberries melted from the frost. I came home and told Karen my story. I kept replaying the shot in my mind. I woke twice during the night reliving the shot in dreams. I had to work the next day. I could not keep my mind on work. I took off the afternoon and hurried to the spot to call and search. The 13th I climbed the adjacent mountain and shot 2 bucks. On the 14th I returned and set up 3 trail cameras hoping to get a glimpse of him following one of his rub lines. I searched some more and called again. The afternoon of the 14th, Karen and and a friend flew back to Thorne Bay. The 15th we had a wine tasting, the 16th we all went for a drive. The 17th -19th I had to work. The 20th we went south so Karen could fly to El Salvador for 3 weeks and I visited my mom and family. I returned on the 26th. Thanksgiving day was also cold and sunny. I decided to go back to check the cameras and have one last look for the buck. I climbed to the saddle where I had one of three cameras. It was beautiful and sunny. I had images of a few good bucks but not him. I decided to call. As I was setting up, I noticed a mature bald eagle 40 yards away in a cedar. I thought “what the hell was he doing there?” He took flight and soared down to the lower muskeg where he joined a 2nd eagle. I noted a raven nearby. Were the bird there because of the buck? I picked up my pack and moved down slope curving around the knob and into the forest. Birds exploded from the forest. At least another 6-7 eagles and an untold number of ravens. I followed my tracks from the 11th still frozen onto the trail to where the birds rose from. There, not 15 feet from where I had stood at least 4 times on the 11th was the buck where he had died on that day, just off the trail in a small depression behind a log. I set down in both disbelief and relief…closure. A wolf had chewed off the rib bones accessing the chest cavity. The birds had eaten all but the front shoulders and neck. An autopsy showed a perfect pass through double lung shot a bit high. His death was swift. The shot WAS true. It took me 16 days to find him. He died 60 yards from where I shot him. To make sure all legal considerations were addressed, though slightly soured, I salvaged the remaining meat before the antlers. I packed both out. I am sorry to not have utilized all of this great animal, but days of agonizing and at least 8 hours of searching finally paid off…with the help of the eagles and ravens. My thanks to my friend for making such a fine rifle. The first buck it shot will score high in the Longhunter Records, and be forever remembered for the search it led me on. The image of his steaming body in the sunlight is burned into my memory. God I love these deer!

Roaring Bucks

Roaring Bucks

November 11th has historically been my best hunting day. I have taken more bucks on that day than any other.…Veteran’s Day 2015 was no exception. Sophie Gilbert and I returned to where we had seen some gigantic rubs in hopes of finding their maker/makers. The weather was a combination of rain/hail/snow and sunshine. The afternoon was mostly good weather. We called, rattled, grunted, and saw nothing until about 1:30 in the afternoon…